
Showing posts with the label oral health of your kids

How to maintain the oral health of your kids?

  Many parents face trouble in maintaining the oral health of their kids. They know what to do with their kid’s oral health, but we all know how kids are. Also, we know that oral health is related to the overall health of the body. As parents, this is your responsibility to improve your child’s oral health with excellent oral hygiene practices and smile-friendly habits. In this post, we will discuss some tips that will help you to maintain your child's oral health. Have a look: Tell your kids to brush twice a day   Buy a child-size brush for your kids and use the fluoride toothpaste asks them to brush twice a day in the morning and before bed. Put the tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste, and after some time increase the amount of page at age three. To make it interesting you tie a small ribbon across the head of their toothbrush. Also, teach your baby proper brushing technique and let them try to do the brushing on their own if they have the dexterity. We must recommend you supervise